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The Clean Energy podcast - Rafał Hajduk about renewable energy sources in Poland


Rafał Hajduk

As part of "The Clean Energy" podcasts, Simmons & Simmons partners interview leading lawyers about renewable energy in their countries. Andrew Petry discussed with Rafał Hajduk, Partner from DZP’s Infrastructure and Energy Practice.

To find more about:

  • the Polish government’s renewables, net zero or emissions reductions target;
  • technology currently dominating the Polish renewables landscape;
  • the main routes to market for renewables projects in Poland and whether government auctions or subsides are in place and have Corporate PPAs or other alternative offtake agreements been signed;
  • obstacles currently facing renewable energy project development and construction in Poland;
  • key legislative or policy updates in the pipeline that may affect the  pace of deployment of renewables

please tune in to an episode of Simmons & Simmons’ Clean Energy podcast with our expert about Poland: https://simmons-simmons.com/en/publications/cktwzh9mt1duy0a66xd7cvvvq/clean-energy-podcast

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