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New regulations will aff ect the relationship between manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products


Michał Tracz

There are less than six months until the introduction of several new legal requirements for both manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products. In order to properly prepare their businesses for the changes, particularly manufacturers of cosmetic products must not only analyse their operations but also adequately shape the cooperation with their business partners.

Early morning on 11 July 2013 manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products will wake up to a new legal reality. The scale of changes is reflected in an increased volume of the regulations. Compared to the current Act on Cosmetics, the new regulation (without annexes) will contain 100% provisions more. The new regulations will not only defi ne the current duties in more detail,
but also impose a number of new requirements. The purpose of this article is to present exemplifi ed regulations that signifi cantly aff ect the relationship between manufacturers and distributors, and to identify solutions to enhance legal safety of the conducted activity.

Source: The World of the Cosmetisc Industry, 1/2013

Whole article available in PDF file.

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