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The War in Ukraine and its Influence on Polish Defence Procurement


Dr Wojciech Hartung

In the latest edition of the Public Procurement Law Review, Wojciech Hartung, Counsel from public procurement team, discusses the influence of the war in Ukraine on Polish defence procurement.

The article focuses on the Polish defence procurement response to the war in Ukraine. The new situation facing Poland in light of the war in Ukraine has significantly accelerated the process of modernising and developing the Polish armed forces. Purchases made are not intended for Ukraine, but they are undoubtedly intended to supplement and replace the equipment sent to its neighbour with more modern equipment and to strengthen Poland’s defence potential. As this article demonstrates, a significant proportion of armaments are procured under the art.346 TFEU exemption. Practice shows that competition has been limited and is less transparent.

The full text of the article is available in the latest edition of the Public Procurement Law Review (2023 Number 6, Sweet & Maxwell).

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