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Adding ambition to resilence


Polish companies are regional heavyweights in terms of size but largely domestic in focus. A wave of listings and privatizations could change that.

Until president Lech Kaczynski and scores of other senior Polish figures were killed in a plane crash in Russia last month, Poland appeared the epitome of stability in a region ravaged by recession. In the week following the disaster, which claimed dozens of the country’s top officials Poland once again proved its resilience as markets and investors reacted with calm. Being the only member of the European Union to have officially avoided recession during the global d ow n t u r n is certainly a bragging right. Poland, with a well capitalized and profitable banking system, flexible exchange rate and large domestic market less reliant on exports than neighbours such as Hungary and the Czech Republic, continues to look healthy.

Source: TopLegal International, May 2010

Whole article available in PDF file.

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