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Current projects.

Construction of incineration plant in Gdańsk starts – PPP agreement signed


On 7 May in Gdańsk, Zakład Utylizacyjny sp. z o.o. and the contractors Astaldi S.p.A., TM.E S.p.A. Termomeccanica Ecologia and TIRU S.A. signed a contract to design, build and operate a thermal waste treatment plant in Gdańsk. The contract is the outcome of a lengthy procedure to conclude a public-private partnership agreement that started in September 2014. DZP had the pleasure of advising the winning consortium at the competitive dialogue and bid preparation stages, and also in disputes brought before the National Appeal Chamber and the Regional Court in Gdańsk.

The DZP lawyers involved in the project were Marcin Krakowiak, Magdalena Zabłocka, Michał Przychoda, Katarzyna Kuźma, Tomasz Michalczyk and Krzysztof Dyba.

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